Find clarity & confidence around the decision to leave and ideas for what to do next!
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Do you love teaching (or at least... loved it once) but are drowning in the pressure of the system?
Does your nervous system scream at you when you notice an email from a parent or you're asked for a "quick chat" with the head?
Perhaps you're simply fed up with never feeling "good enough", no matter how hard you work or how much you sacrifice.
Maybe you've already left and need support to find out what's next for you and what you want.
Understand exactly where you are on the "change journey" and what will help you most right now. In this session we'll be clarifying what's holding you back, start to recognise your non-negotiables and feel more confident about the reasons you're ready to leave.
You have so many transferable skills - it's time you started recognising them! For too long we've put ourselves in a "just a teacher" box and, after today's session, you'll feel FAR more confident about how your experiences match lots of job specs out there.
Where do you want to be in 3 years time? Where do you want to be next year? I'm going to help you evaluate what's important to you and guide you to explore a new future... let's think about you what you want from life now!
There are several pieces to the teacher career change success puzzle, and there are certain tools which can ensure the transition is as confident, and smooth, as possible. In this last session we'll explore what's working for teachers leaving the classroom and how you can too!
Four x 30min FREE video sessions
Video replays and practical activities.
If you have any questions, please contact me on joanne@adventuresafterteaching.com
To access these valuable video trainings,
and to get the practical resources, sign up here!
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I've been the happy class teacher, senior leader, consultant and trainer, and I understand how hard it feels to leave a role you've invested so much in.
But there reaches a point where you can't deplete or sacrifice any further.
After 15 years of overthinking and overworking (that never led to being "enough") I trained as a coach to help teachers recover from burnout and find clarity around what they truly want.
Now my days are spent (with my pup Pirate 🐶) helping 100s of teachers heal, find confidence in their skills and plan their exit - when a teacher can stand back and say, "I've done an amazing job but it's time to move onto my next adventure", my work is done!
Whether you're adamant you're leaving, just flirting with the idea or have already left, this is an event not to be missed!