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Mon 29th Jul - Fri 2nd Aug
9-9:30am (UK time) 

🏖 Replays available AND daily prize


☀️ Live Mini Workshops
🍦 Career Change Activities
⛵️Guest Interviews
🌻 Career Change Q&A 

... all focused on helping you understand how to make a successful career change!


⛱ Workshops online in our Private Community Platform.

⛱ Replays and resources available for a short time after the live event. 


Hi, I’m Jo Howard, a recovered work-addicted educator turned career coach for exhausted teachers.

I've been the happy class teacher, senior leader, consultant and trainer, and I understand how hard it feels to leave a role you've invested so much in.  But there reaches a point where you can't deplete or sacrifice any further.

After 15 years of overthinking and overworking (that never led to being "enough") I certified as a coach to help teachers recover from burnout and find clarity around what they truly want from their careers.

Now my days are spent (with my pup Pirate 🐶) helping 100s of teachers find confidence in their skills, plan their exit and secure exciting roles outside of the classroom.  

When a teacher can stand back and say, "I've done an amazing job and it's just time to move onto my next adventure", my work is done!

Whether you're adamant you're leaving, just flirting with the idea or have already left, this is an event not to be missed.

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