The Adventures After Teaching Academy

Adventures After Teaching 
is an uplifting space where TEACHERS CAN...


Decide whether they really want to leave the classroom and set their non-negotiables
for their future.


Explore the options available with their amazing transferable skills and learn from teachers who have successfully left.


Use tried and tested resources to showcase their valuable skills, sell themselves to other industries and get a new job!


Share the whole journey together - the ups and the downs - and have the most supportive team behind them.

How long have you been debating leaving teaching?
I remember trying all sorts to make the role more manageable... do these resonate?

Moving schools or year groups

The promise of a fresh start and freedom to be more creative gives you that "newly-qualified-have-my-first-ever-class" feels but this soon by Week 5. You find yourself yet again on your knees, wondering why other people seem to be able to cope with the workload...

Reducing your hours

Thinking a day or two at home will help you manage your life-admin, catch up on marking and prep to only find you're working full-time hours and it's not the same at work anymore...

Setting firmer boundaries

Especially after having kids, the need to leave work at the door (or at least until after bedtime!) means having to not work becomes an uncomfortable reality. So why does it feel like there is no area of life in which you're winning?


Adventures After Teaching began as an idea for a
community where we could celebrate the fact...

we've done an AMAZING job in the classroom
but now it's time to MOVE ON!

IT'S OK to want to leave,
even if you're feeling...


Like you've wasted your training

I can't tell you how many amazing jobs I've helped teachers secure that would never have been possible, had they not had their training and experiences in the education sector. You CAN go on to make a huge impact on the lives of people who NEED YOU!

The idea of teaching being a "vocation" may have attracted you once - I know that teaching gave me a sense of belonging and the community I'd been craving. But that doesn't mean we need to accept it as a life sentence if it is making us compromise out health and happiness.

How about thinking of it as National Service instead?!


You're letting people down

Perhaps this is the pupils, the staff, your line manager or your family - if this is you, I know you feel this deeply even when your brain knows it's not true. I hate to say it, but you are replaceable at school. So who are you actually letting down while you're burning yourself out?

Perhaps, if we're honest, it's also fearing the judgement of others.
But you know what I see time and time again? When teachers say they're leaving... they suddenly get half the staff telling them (in confidence!) how desperate they are to leave. They wish they could make the move.

Most respect your decision... many will follow you. 


You need an exciting next step to "explain" your leaving

This is a tough one to challenge but it can be done.

When you feel confident with your decision.
When you know WHY you're leaving, WHERE you want your life to be and WHAT you're not willing to compromise, the idea of a "job for now" might becomes part of the bigger plan.

Do you need a new career right now? Or do you need a job? If you have more time to plan - great. If not, what's most important?


You don't know where to start planning your exit from the classroom!

This is why I created the Adventures After Teaching Academy (more on this later!) and this community space packed with advice and resources. You don't need all the answers at once. You can take time to make a plan. Let me share with you aspirational tales of teachers who've done it and have never looked back and show you how you can do the same.

There are several pieces to successfully leaving the classroom, but with the tried and tested resources and coaching I have to offer you, we can make it as smooth sailing as possible!

Perhaps you'd like to believe me 
but still have these doubts in your mind...

I know I have lots of skills but I don't know what I'm qualified for...

I don't want to tutor or work in another school and I'm not sure what else is out there...

Teaching is all I've ever known - if I can't do this job, how will I do something else?

This is where the "STAY OR GO?"
workshops come in!

FREE mini workshops, giving you clarity & confidence around the decision to leave.

We'll get clear on...

FIVE Common fears keeping us trapped in teaching and why we can't listen to them

FIVE Significant transferable skills you have as a teacher that employers WANT NOW

FIVE Keys to successfully transitioning out of the classroom and finding the balance you crave

After these mini-workshops you feel...



You'll be clearer on the
decision to leave.



You'll feel more confident in your transferable skills.



You'll have clarity around your non-negotiables for your future.

What did other teachers think of these workshops?

Thank you, Jo! I feel this has given me some much needed clarity. I feel that the session has built up my confidence and given me a way ahead. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Claire

This workshop came at a perfect time for me. Thanks Jo and everyone! Great to know we are not alone.

I have to say that I fell into the pitfall of thinking my "skills" were just my qualifications rather than the extensive list of skills and abilities developed within my role as a teacher and leader in schools.

The transferable skills sheet is so useful. Something really visual to show how much knowledge and ability we have as teachers. Jenny

I am pleasantly surprised and nicely empowered at this eureka moment.  I can't thank you enough Joanne for helping me to get to this point. Anita

Oh my goodness. What a brilliant visualisation exercise Jo... The most important thing I told myself was to relax and that relaxation is the most important thing for me and not let fear of failure or status dictate what I do. Helen

NAVIGATE LEAVING THE CLASSROOM - look no further than the...

 Adventures After Teaching Shop

Your One-Stop-Shop for Everything Teacher Career Change!

No matter where you are on the journey out of the classroom, I've created training, resources and coaching to support you to confidently find your adventure after teaching.

Jo’s coaching has inspired me to start taking action and to make changes in my life. After just a few sessions, I am feeling far more positive and excited about a future beyond the classroom. Talking to Jo is a real tonic; she is always calm, cheerful and encouraging. We achieve so much in each session and I come away with lots of ideas for practical steps to take straight away. She has helped me understand my ‘value’, beyond just being a teacher. I have so many ideas I now want to explore.


Primary Teacher

I feel lucky to have found Jo, someone who really understands the world of teaching yet she has a vision and knowledge of a life and career beyond teaching. At a time when I have felt lost and overwhelmed she has already helped me to feel positive and excited about the possibilities for my future beyond the classroom.


Primary Teacher

The combination of course content, coaching and comprehension that Jo provides to mainly ex-teachers (or those planning to transition out) is extraordinarily effective in dealing with both the nitty gritty of researching and applying for a position, or starting up on your own, whilst ensuring that a completely embraceable and empathetic holistic approach supports your well-being along the way. I cannot recommend her services highly enough to those of you who are transitioning after many years and/or need to resolve any associated residual issues.


Secondary Drama Teacher

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