AAT Business School

Idea. Launch. Scale.

The Adventures After Teaching Business School supports teachers to turn their skills into a flexible, sustainable and fulfilling business!

Starting a business takes passion and commitment but the rewards are life changing...

Before I started working with Jo I knew I would love to run my own business, but I had no idea how to get my ideas off the ground. It felt like there was just so much to do and I had no idea where to start or if I could make a success of it. The AAT Business School has been absolutely fantastic for walking me through the process of getting set up, conducting market research, nailing my messaging and so much more. Regular group sessions help to keep me focussed and accountable when working in my business. The biz school community is wonderful - there to motivate, inspire and support each other every step of the way. 7 months ago my business was just an idea, and now I’m fully booked and growing my own team! Thank you, Adventures After Teaching! 💛

Virtual Assistant - Sophie India Virtual Assistant

Would you love to work for yourself but have no idea where to start?

Inside the AAT Biz School you can choose from one of 5 Business Pathways which will take your teacher skills and turn them in a business you LOVE.

Which tried and tested path will you choose... ?


Whether you want to teach 1:1 or in groups, online or in person... or a mixture, this pathway will help you not just be a great tutor, but show you how to set up a scalable business. Learn the business skills you need to reach your clients and build multiple layers of income.


Teachers make amazing VAs and the role offers huge flexibility for those wanting a hybrid role! Whether you want to specialise in social media, systems and processes or a particular online business tool, we'll help you match your skills and interest to a niche that suits.


Take your experience and use it to mentor and support others to improve their practice. Setting up as a consultant, as with any business, is about articulating the problem you solve... following this pathway will help you establish yourself as an expert in your field. 


Do you have a passion, hobby, skill that you know others would love to share and just need some practical help working out how to make it happen? This pathway will help you plan, market and sell your idea, supporting you to create a community of dedicated customers. 


If you would like to use your skills for supporting others, setting up a coaching or mentoring business could be perfect for you. I'll share my experience of building a successful coaching business and help you stand out from the crowd to secure a portfolio of happy clients. 


Not sure which pathway is for you? Don't worry, drop me an email at joanne@adventuresafterteaching.com and I'll suggest the best path to start on or the one that most closely matches your idea. If after a couple of modules you want to change pathways, we can sort that for you. 😊

There are so many resources out there about setting up a VA business. But what sets this apart is that Jo really understands the teacher mindset and past experiences. The community is amazing. And the resources are continually developed depending on our needs and requirements. Jo truly cares about each and every one of us, and the resources give you that structure and motivation to build a successful business.

Virtual Assistant - Ink & Click

Each of our Business Pathways will take you through carefully created modules and lessons covering our...

12 Steps to Business Success

Inside your private course platform, you'll have access to...

step-by-step Training Videos

Comprehensive, bite-size trainings to support you in planning, creating and selling your dream business. From evaluating your skills, understanding your clients' need, creating your website to signing your first clients!


Incredibly practical tools such as templates, workbooks, scripts, planners to make building your business as smooth as possible. From business plans to social media templates and everything in between.


A private Facebook group just for Biz School members to ask questions at any time and wins with a dedicated support network. The first place you'll go to share the... "I signed my first client 🙌 " news.


As a founding member, you'll also have 6 MONTHS 
free support in our AAT Biz School Members' Hub!

Within this membership community, you'll receive more in depth training and support on the following areas...

EVERY week there's a chance to meet up and move on!

Monthly Business Mentoring

Every month, either on a "hot-seat" coaching call or in our Q&A sessions, you'll have the opportunity to receive focused coaching around any hurdles you're facing and go away with your clear and tangible, next steps. 

Monthly Member Huddles

In our Member Huddles, you'll have the chance to coach and be coached by other wonderful community members in small group. These calls are such a powerful way to learn from one another and get a motivational boost. 

Monthly Business Masterclass

Each month we'll cover a new topic on the Success Map, increasing your skills in areas such as branding, marketing, sales, copywriting, confidence, launching programmes... the list goes on! These replays are pure gold.

Monthly Co-Working Sessions

These sessions are for you to bring anything along that you're working on. We'll use the Pomodoro Technique to work in short bursts of 15-20 minutes and then check in with our progress. Perfect for procrastination!

Jo’s business mentoring gave me the belief that I could start my own business. She then gave me the confidence and the tools to put the plan into action. The resources were brilliant and helped me to identify my ideal client and begin my business journey. I would not be in the position I am now if it’s wasn’t for Jo and her support.

Clinical Hypnotherapist - Chris Sibbald

Creating your own business is the best adventure!

“If you don't build your dream, someone else will hire you to help them build theirs."

Dhirubhai Ambani

Any pathway

6 x £129.50

 Lifetime access to your Business Pathway
£777 (incl VAT)

  • Step-by- step Business Pathway 
  • Videos, resources, templates etc
  • Private Facebook Community
  • Ask any questions & get feedback throughout
  • Business mentoring from a Certified Business Strategist
  • 6 Months access to the "Biz School Members' Hub" membership


JOIN HERE by choosing your pathway below...

Still wondering if a business is for you? Get started by watching our FREE workshop...

In this 60 min FREE workshop, you'll discover:

✅ Amazing examples of teacher businesses...
✅ Reasons why creating a business is the best decision...
✅ Start-up business mistakes to avoid...
✅ My "12 Step" approach to reduce overwhelm...
✅ 5 business pathways YOU could choose...


Turn your business idea into your classroom escape plan...


Your details will not be shared and you can unsubscribe at any time.
By submitting the form you agree to our Privacy Policy.

 I’d always felt that I needed ‘job security’ by being employed by someone else, but through the Academy I have developed a belief and confidence in myself that it empowered me to start my own business. Everything is broken down into steps and always aligned with our own well-being. What I really love, and you’ll hear it time and time again because it genuinely is true, is that the community gives us the strength to ask questions, find solutions and be brave enough to try them.

I trust Jo’s Business School because she’s done this for herself and the ‘proof is in the pudding’ so to speak. I like being able to work through the modules and then our zoom helps reaffirm them in my mind. I also appreciate the fb group to ask questions or, as I call it ‘Think out loud.’ I’m really excited about this next stage in my life… sorry, adventure after teaching. 💫

Art Workshop Facilitator - A Pocketful of Pictures


You have lifetime access to your chosen Business Pathway. As a founding member you will also have 6 months FREE membership to the AAT Biz School Members' Hub, and after that be offered a reduced membership.

All the sessions are recorded so you can watch them on replay in the main private course library area.

NOT AT ALL! In fact, this programme is ideal for getting you ready to leave with confidence and control. Business Pathways can be completed in 12 weeks or quicker if needed!

The one thing we all want more of is time... Firstly, this is not a course you can fall behind with - it's for you to do in your own time. Secondly, the videos within the course areas are around 5-15 mins long, each with accompanying resources. Some take longer than others (for example identifying your skills) but by following this success path, you'll save hours and hours by knowing the most efficient ways to tackle each step of the journey.

You have a 30 day money back guarantee - if for any reason you do not find the support and materials fulfil your needs, you can email me for a complete refund. Please note, to be eligible for a refund you must not have consumed more than 20% of the course materials.